mission India

Jammu ministry India Faith Prayer Center bro Joju John

Jammu ministry India Faith Prayer Center bro Joju John


Bethestha Prayer Center Ministries India Telangana Hyderabad Medak bro:Baikadi David

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DSCN2995DSCN3003DSCN3030God is awesome !!!
Had a wonderful mission trip to India, Mighty move of holy spirit, many salvation, healing and immediate deliverance even cancers /tumors DSCN3033disappeared( Hindhu man, gave life to Christ), paralyzed man walked out of bed to home,about180 children gave life to Christ, demons out with manifestation, people were DSCN2926filling in anointing, met awesome youth team from Oral Roberts University. Thanks to my people who were holding me on prayers diligently. Thanks for all his children. Glory to God,
Humbly surrendering for more of his apostolic ministries through the resurrection power of the holy spirit.
It is awesome to work for my king my Dad.
Thank lord for my family my husband and my children for their faith and support for me.
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