Nepal Ministry Report


Respected servant of GOD  Pastor Roy  and ministry family 
Greeting in the name of Jesus in Nepal
Praise the Lord .

Pastor. Roy Nepal is 90% Hindu religion people and geographically poor country. you are doing church ministry and children ministry in Nepal from long time and I want to give you thank for your great heart. we are working together and in this long time also I think you have not known and not believed in me. I am disappointed on that. I think I have also given many difficulties to you. Pastor .Roy this 2018 was very blessing year for us. We are very thankful to your prayer love support care and suggestion for Nepal ministry. In 2018 many rules and regulation were different in Nepal. Working between church and children was very difficult. God has been our leader and lead us to right path. Many people had said lots of things but also we have done this in God grace and gave us blessings. If God was not with us then we were not able to do this work. You were with us so we able to do to this things in 2018.

3.Gospel preaching in the place where we had shown the Jesus film. We had taught them by showing bible and many others Gospel tracks .



we are able to give above 100 people baptism as a overall from Nepal churches and i have send the details also . I am praying we will be giving over 100 people baptism and all pastor managing as like that.  No church is depending on it and they are secular. We are not doing any support for the pastors and church . And you know in Nepal how many mission and organization do work and how they work and control the churches. If we are not doing any support then how they will come. The thing we can do is only requesting. How I request to Pastors that GOD knows or me


I have gone to Chitwan district village name called Madi Kusum river where very poor Chepang tribes were there of 50 children. Children walk 3 hours in morning and 3 hours in evening to go school. In between coming and going to home they go through National park and one river seven times. Many people were eaten by tiger and attacked by wild animals many times. In this area no any organization do help. School is poor and they live in a small hostel with two rooms. In two rooms 50 children live together. They cook and wash dishes by themselves. That children told sometime they sleep by not eating food due to scarcity of food. While going to home they had seen their friends eating by tiger. This small children had request us to save from Wild animals , provide food and danger. They want to become a good citizen of country.

Please pray for this children. We will blessed by kingdom of GOD by helping this children. My heart cried by seeing there situation. I was very happy by giving them some rice to them. They will have 1 week rice. All villagers and parents with management committee had came to program and was thankful to us. In this 50 children 50 % are believers.




 Warm Jackets :

Nepal is geographically there are three parts Himalayan , Hill and Terai. And in Nepal in summer season here is very hot and in cold season it is very cold. Many of the children do not have there clothes to wear in Winter season. Due to lack of warm clothes the children have through many diseases. We have given this warm jacket to poor, orphan and chepang children who are very happy and thankful to our support.

Some words of Children

My name is Pooja pasi. In last many years in cold season I did not had any jacket to wear. I had to pass  cold season by going near to fire , be in bed and wearing only summer clothes. Now I have got the jacket and I am very happy and thankful to you.

My name is sandeep Bk. I was dreaming when I will get warm jacket because there is no father and mother is handicap . so there is no earning in my home. Thank you for your Jacket support and now I am happy  and wearing jacket like other kids





In this year we had gone there was feeding program in 25 places and 1200 people had participated and they take this as a celebration. Children became very happy. And this feeding program had became the opportunity for us to spread the love of God.


School children.    

      The Sponsor we had chosen the children who are orphan, poor and needy children , HIV affected parents children ,  Human trafficking children. We are supporting them it is the most important thing. If sponsor was not given to children they had may go through many troubles like human trafficking , doing labor work. Now after getting sponsor they are able to go school like other kids and they had got their Goal in life. And sponsor is supporting in Home also like food , clothes , medicines etc.

Manu pariyar Grandmother told that if she had not sponsor then I was not able to send her in School and make her study. I have to send her to other people house for the work. Maybe she would ran away from the home because of her not having a study and good quality childhood. But now I am happy and she is reading and getting her life’s meaning with well educated.

My name is Bijaya Parajuli. The life I am living it is all because of Amosh dad. If he would not find out me then I may go through death because the diseases I had is kidney fail and there was no money in my house for the treatment and medicine. But now I am having good treatment and medicine it is all because of you.  I am happy and thankful to you.


 Image may contain: 16 people, including Dina Khadka, people smiling, people standing, crowd and outdoor




I am kalpana neupane . My father and mother both are affected by HIV. And my sister Kabita and I myself was going to leave the study and was ready to do work. Because my father and mother body was very weak because of their diseases. My family was running from church support like food , rice etc. After having ps. Amosh  Dad in mine and sister life we are able to study and have good quality education. It is all because of his support and love. There is no problem in our study. We all pray and have faith in our GOD. Thank you

I am Bimala Tamang. I am a daughter of Mental mother and father had left me when I was unborn. There is Grandmother and Grandmother in my home. I have to take care all of them. I had decided to work out and earn money. And at the meantime I have met  ps. Amosh  dad and I have got that opportunity to continue my study and have good life as others. Now I am studying in Grade 10. I am reading well and please pray for me.

In Nepal many students did not have bags and stationary tools with them because of poorness. It is expensive for them. So their habit was taking books and copies in their hands and going school. But after bags and stationary tools and love their bags and keep it safely. They do not bring books and copies in hands. They are thankful to you for the support.




 Human Trafficking.

In Nepal 10000 to 12000 girls and women are being trafficked. They are sold for the physical , circus , in home etc. They had to live this danger life. To prevent girls and women from Human trafficking we had made headquarter in butwal. We had counseled and returned 1500 womens and girls , 55 case reported in police. The who were in human trafficking were unskilled so we had given them Sewing and tailoring program. We had spread the Anti human Trafficking awareness program in Women group and school. From this we had opportunity to spread the love of GOD.

Warm blanket.

Nepal is mainly affected by Natural calamities. And many people had lost their clothes and blanket in flood , earthquake and landslide. They were mainly far from the Blankets. And they were suffering from it. But after having blankets because of your support . now their children and family are having good blankets and good sleep in winter and summer season. They are happy and thankful to you.

Bibles distributed 

In 2018 we had distributed the 800 bibles in Chepang tribes. The place where we had distributed the bible was very far from the bibles and no any single people had bible their. One women told us after getting bible now I can read the word of GOD.


In 2018 by the prayer and support of your we had made a church in bhirkot where believers 50 60 were doing fellowship in outside field but now they can do fellowship in the church it is all because of you. Thank you for your support and prayer.



2019 Plan Please pray for

  1. Gospel Preaching(where gospel has not reached in remote area of Nepal )
  2. Church planting ( 3 new church establish)
  3. Discipleship training ( in 2 places)
  4. Youth seminar and revival seminar ( in 2 places in big mass)
  5. Church building ( 2 church)
  6. Pastor support (4 pastor)
  7. Bible distribution program
  8. Social work ministry                                                                     
  9. Scholarship
  10. Feeding program
  11. School children bag and stationary tools distribution
  12. Water hand pump
  13. Natural calamities support



Me my church and my daughter church is praying for you and work with you as a partner of Resurrection power Ministries and expand the GOD’s kingdom. We want to make 2019 a blessing year. And we need prayer and support. Thank you  God Bless you


Woman Fellowship RUPANDHI


Resurrection Power Ministries Flint MI
Jan 23 at 9:08 PM
Praise the Lord Rev Pastor Roy Markose
Warm Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ from Nepal.
Report of Ministries in 2018.
We have our own 8 Assistant Pastors and 10 churches in different places in north India and southern part of Nepal among Dalits.
In 2018, total 117 people got baptised. Thousands people heard gospel. One church was made in Sukadahar village supported by Rev Pst Roy Markose. We reached different places with gospel. We celebrated Christmas in 12 places. We gave clothes to widows and some bibles were distributed. Thank you Rev Pastor Roy for your prayers and financial blessings to us during Christmas.
Our plans for 2019 are:
1. Seminars 3 times.
2. Youth seminars 2 times.
3. Making 3 churches in Parakpur,                   Gopiganj,  and Shitalapur.
4. Distribution of 300 bibles.
5. Children programme 2 times.
6. Baptism of 150 people.
7. 3 second hand motor bikes for three.        assistant pastors.
8. To buy a piece of Land to make church house in Nepal.
9. Support for  8 assistant pastors. $50 to each pastor every month.
10. A four wheeler for preaching gospel village to village.
11. Rice packs distribution to 120 families.
12. Net curtains distribution to 150 families.
13. Scholarship for 15 children who are Dalits for their education. $10 to each child monthly.
Please pray specially for a motorbike for me. Evangelist Roy Markose's photo.
Thank you.
In Regards
Pst Rabindra Harijan
Give Gospel Church Nepal